CREATIVE Education Center
Cloud Forest School







CREATIVE Education Center Cloud Forest School

We are an accredited, bilingual, environmentally focused, private school, preschool through sixth grade.

We are focused on serving the students of Monteverde and the international community.

For over 30 years, our school has provided high quality bilingual instruction with an emphasis on environmental education.

Our institution is dedicated to the development of future generations of ecologically aware, academically complete and culturally competent citizens of the world.

As part of the school’s founding mission, a majority of our local students receive scholarships:

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Local students, each year:

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International students, each year:

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Cloud forest camps 2025

“Little Feet, Big Dreams – Creative Race 2023. Let’s run together towards education! Join our children’s fundraising race and help support bright young individuals who need financial assistance to continue their education. By participating in our race, you will be contributing to making it possible for these young people to achieve their dreams and goals. The race will be exciting and fun, and we are sure you will love participating. Additionally, there will be plenty of activities, raffles, and delicious food for participants! Whether you are an experienced runner or simply looking for a fun way to spend time with friends and family, everyone is welcome! Register today and help build a better future for the youth in our community. We’ll see you at the starting line!”

Activity Date: March 25th, 2023
Location: Creative Education Center

Registration form.

Categories and Distances
Youth and Children: K and P 300 meters, 1st and 2nd grade 600 meters, 3rd and 4th grade 1 kilometer, 5th and 6th grade 1.5 kilometers
Adults: 4 and 8 kilometers

Important: Online registration will close on Thursday, March 23rd at 12:00 p.m. On the day of the race, only children in the categories of 300 meters, 600 meters, 1 kilometer, and 1.5 kilometers will be able to register until 9 a.m.



For those within and outside the United States of America,
Direct donations can be made to the school using the button.

With your contribution or donation, you will be helping children and young people with limited
financial resources that prevent them from receiving education."

Let's support our student community!

Let's go together to transform the lives of future generations.

Let's create opportunities and ensure equal conditions.

With your contribution or donation you will be helping children and young people with limited economic resources that do not allow them to receive education.

Our Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Síganos y sea parte de nuestra comunidad

Hacemos sus pagos fáciles y seguros

Somos parte del programa:

2022 © Copyright - All rights reserved Cloud Forest School

Designed and developed by CodMark

Sue Gabrielson
Co- Director

Sue pasó su primer tiempo prolongado en Monteverde en 2016, como voluntaria en la biblioteca del Centro de Educación CREATIVA Cloud Forest School, mientras sus hijas asistían al séptimo y al undécimo grado.
Más tarde ese año se mudó a Monteverde de forma permanente y enseñó humanidades en la escuela secundaria en Monteverde Friends School (MFS). Después de un año de enseñanza, fue contratada como directora de la escuela de MFS en 2017. Antes de eso, la Rev. Sue (como la llamaban cariñosamente después de convertirse en ministra unitaria universalista ordenada) sirvió como pastora en iglesias en Maine durante 20 años.
También ha organizado campañas políticas para la atención médica como un derecho humano, el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo y el cambio climático, ha enseñado en universidades y ha formado parte de muchas juntas comunitarias.
Tiene dos maestrías, una en Educación de Adultos y otra en Divinidad, es ABD en un programa de Doctorado en Servicios Humanos Multidisciplinarios.
Sue ha trabajado en administración de educación superior y navegó tres veces en el Programa Semester at Sea.
Tiene dos hijas: Grace y Ellie (ambas graduadas de MFS) y está casada con Ulises Salazar Leiton.
Le encanta leer, jugar al billar, caminar, las aguas termales y otras actividades al aire libre.

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